L’Intolérance de Fénelon

Last week we discussed the Evangelical and Reformed penchant for invoking Roman, Jesuitical, counter-reformational mystics as a way of instructing the flock, and we registered our objections to such under the title of Peddling Fénelon. Protestant infatuation with François Fénelon is just one example of this tendency, and it is quite common for Fénelon to … Continue reading L’Intolérance de Fénelon

Peddling Fénelon

There is a burgeoning movement within Protestant and Evangelical circles that emphasizes the ancient and mystical above the Word of God and seeks, by any means necessary, to cast off the “youthful naïveté” of the Protestant Reformation and bring the church to a superstitious, anti-intellectual “maturity.” Just to give examples from the last ten years or … Continue reading Peddling Fénelon